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BCH Recognizes Volunteers

Posted on 28 October 2021 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—The Boone County Hospital took time to recognize and send a big thank you to our 52 volunteers for everything they do—the Information Desk, Surgery Waiting Room, Gift Shop, Cafeteria, helping with the outside maintenance of the flowers and weeding, and the Blood Drive. The money they raise through their various endeavors is given back to the hospital through scholarships, employee assistance, department requests and much more.

Unfortunately, due to COVID, the volunteers were not able to hold their Annual Recognition Dinner in October. Following are the volunteers that earned recognition pins this year.

500 hours: Beth Carlon, Marcia Hurst, Gayle Rinehart, Sandi Smith; 1,000 hour: Connie Booth, Ardy Proehl; 1,500 hours: Cathy Wetzeler; 2,000 hours: Rhonda Getschman; 2,500 hours: Teri Knight, Jan Putnam; 5,000 hours: Carol Keithley; 21,500 hours: Dorothy Huffman.


Left Auxiliary President Cathy Wetzeler and Dorothy Huffman


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