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Keep Iowa Beautiful® Announces 2021 Pick-Up Iowa

Posted on 22 February 2021 by KWBG

DES MOINES, Iowa—With Spring approaching join Iowa communities in Pick-Up Iowa. The program is part of Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup-the nation’s largest community improvement program. It is estimated 20,000 communities participate nationwide.

“Your community may participate by cleaning up litter and trash along Iowa’s roadsides, neighborhoods, streets, school grounds, parks and streams,” said Kevin Techau, Keep Iowa Beautiful Executive Director. “We work best when we work together,” Techau added, “encourage you community mayor, city council or county supervisors to proclaim several days or a week as PICK-UP YOUR COMMUNITY.”

Anyone can participate. Cities, community and civic associations, schools, church groups, clubs, neighborhoods, families, businesses, scouts and others can organize their members and plan and participate in Pick-Up Iowa.

Pick-Up Iowa will be held March 26th to June 30th, 2021 on any dates that work for you organization. To participate you must register your group/organization before March 12, 2021 at

Registered participant groups are eligible for a limited supply of free cleanup supplies such as bags, grabbers, safety vests and gloves donated by Keep Iowa Beautiful®







(contributed press release)

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