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Boone FD to Conduct Training Burn Sunday

Posted on 29 May 2018 by KWBG

BOONE, Iowa—Boone Fire Chief Justin Adams informed the Boone City Council at their last meeting that the Fire Department is preparing for another training fire at a vacated residence on West 15th Street.  Adams said the department will be conducting a training burn at 123 West 15th Street, on Sunday June 3rd beginning about  8:00 a.m. until it’s completed.   Adams says the training burn is to maintain and improve upon on our firefighting techniques and strategies.

Adams says there will be several fires set and extinguished inside the structure.  Burning down the building on the property will be the final action.  He said this training will produce smoke from the fires. The building has been tested for and abated for asbestos with all applicable permits submitted to the Iowa DNR Air Quality Bureau.  Adams said the department will do their utmost to complete the training while the prevailing winds are in the optimum direction to avoid smoke coming towards homes in the immediate area, but it is advisable to keep windows closed while the training burn is in progress, due to the fact that the winds can change at a moment’s notice.

Adams also said that West 15th from Division to Hanley Street will be closed to traffic as they move vehicles in and out of the area and for our hoses connected to a water supply.  He said there will be an area for spectators to watch during the training event, but the risk will be at the viewers discretion.


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