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Allison Arnold of Ogden Represents DMACC at 2022 FBLA Collegiate National Leadership Conference; Places 8th in Nation in Retail Management Event

Posted on 06 July 2022 by KWBG

photo credit: Joe Hanson/DMACC










Allison Arnold of Ogden (pictured second from left) was one of four students in the DMACC Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda who represented DMACC at the 2022 FBLA Collegiate National Leadership Conference​ held June 24-27 in Chicago. Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL). The students earned the opportunity to compete at the national level by placing first or second in their respective event(s) during the State Leadership Conference held in April. At the National Conference, they competed against other college students from across the United States in various business-related events, and also had the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops on topics related to their educational and career pursuits. Arnold competed in Management Concepts, Microeconomics and Retail Management events, and placed 8th in the nation in Retail Management.

She was joined at the National Conference by DMACC PBL Advisor Joe Hanson (far left) and fellow DMACC Phi Beta Lambda students Maria King of Carroll (center), Emily Junker of Van Meter (second from right) and Brandon DuToit of Altoona (far right).

FBLA-PBL is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world, and helps more than 230,000 members prepare for careers in business each year.​






(contributed press release, DMACC, photo credit: Joe Hanson/DMACC)

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